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How to Make Hard-Boiled Eggs?

Today, we learn How to Boil Hard-Boiled Eggs? The fast-paced world has made us forget about our health. We look for quick food and it has become impossible to escape this pervasiveness of processed foods. In this race of ready-made food items we have overlooked our health and I even agree that in this 21st century it is quite close to impossible to maintain a healthy work-life balance and we don’t even think about our daily diet.

One of the recent discoveries has proved that boiled eggs may lose some weight and aid you in taking the first step towards a healthy lifestyle.

What Nutrients Are in an Egg?

Everybody knows that eggs are made up of proteins and fats and an amazing fact which I had recently stumbled upon is that eating eggs can heat your body from within. What does it mean; don’t eat too many eggs in peak summer mates. One or two might be just enough. Too many eggs a day on a regular basis can even elevate your cholesterol levels.  So just stick to the right amount of eggs and everything in life. If you don’t believe me just listen to what ‘Theodore Levitt’ used to say:

“Anything in excess is a poison.”

Eggs Helping in weight loss!

There is no doubt that the egg is a storehouse of nutrients and micro-nutrients along with this, it contains the main constituent of muscle building: Proteins are essential for body growth, tissue, and cell repairs and even maintain blood sugar levels and provide immunity and strength against diseases and infections.

As everything has a dark side to it, similarly, an egg also has a con. The yolk of the egg has been the trigger for raising cholesterol levels and causing a gain in weight. However, the diet specialists weighed all the bad and good sides and reached the secret of weight loss and a healthy, efficiently-working body.

Eggs are mostly consumed in breakfast while particularly boiled eggs are a major part of diet enthusiasts. It helps to regain lost proteins during the rigorous exercises and helps to recover your body and rebuild lean muscles.  It even provides strength to bones.

Why Hard-Boiled Eggs over Fried Eggs?

Boiled eggs are people’s choice over fried ones because boiled eggs assist in avoiding excess oil and in turn save you from increasing your calorie count. In addition to this, frying eggs causes’ loss of many micronutrients, omega fatty acids, and carotenoids, and boiled eggs have 77.5 percent calories which are just 4 percent of the daily recommended amount of calories.

How to Boil the Perfect Egg?

How to boil the perfect egg?

Ever you went somewhere and had an over-cooked boiled egg in breakfast with the grey-green ring around the yolk. Yuck. Just don’t worry now, today I will share with you the magical recipe of a perfectly boiled egg.

The secret to perfect boiled eggs is timing and heat. If you over-cooked then it won’t taste any good and if you didn’t cook it for enough time, it will be a gooey soft-boiled egg instead. The perfect egg has a creamy mellow yolk. 

Among a million recipes on the internet suggesting from baking eggs for 30 minutes to putting eggs directly in the boiling water, I will reveal to you the trick to have that exemplary egg always.

Here we go, friends!

What Do you Need?


  • A large saucepan
  • Spoon to scoop up the boiled egg from the saucepan
  • Bowl
  • Watch or clock or timer


  • Coldwater
  • Ice
  • Obviously our favorite: EGGS


  • Pour cold water in the large saucepan to 1-2 inches.
  • Add eggs to that pan.
  • Cover the saucepan with a lid and bring the water to boiling by turning on the fire.
  • Then take your timer and have a feel of a scientist. (Boiling a perfect egg is not less than rocket science).
  • When the water has reached boiling, change the flame to medium-high heat and let it boil for 6-7 minutes to get your out of this world eggs.
  • Use a spoon to transfer the eggs to a bowl with ice-cold water so that they can cool. This will aid in the peeling of eggs as well.
  • Peel and serve the eggs. You can add salt, black pepper, or any other spices according to your taste to season your egg.

Also, read about How to boil eggs?

How Much Time Should We Keep Our Egg Boiling?

How much time should we keep our egg boiling?

Learn these so that you can start your journey of becoming a master chef winner.

  • Boil for 7 minutes for a perfect creamy hard-boiled egg.
  • For soft-boiled eggs, just keep the egg in for 4 minutes.
  • For a firm yet custardy egg, keep the egg in boiling water for 6 minutes.
  • To achieve very firm hard-boiled eggs, let the eggs be in the water for 9 minutes.

How Long do Boiled Eggs Last?

You can store any hard-boiled egg in a refrigerator for up to a week. But be sure the egg is still in its shell, unpeeled.

Tips from experienced people

  • While boiling a large number of eggs, make sure all the eggs in the saucepan fit in a single layer.
  • If eggs are larger than normal size, allow them extra time to boil.
  • The eggs that are in the refrigerator the longest are easiest to peel. In short, the less fresh the eggs the easier it is to peel them.
  • Rapid cooling after boiling prevents the green ring from forming around the yolk.
  • To quickly peel a hard-boiled egg, crack the eggshell from the top by tapping on a hard surface, and then roll the egg between your palms. This loosens the shell.
  • If you are ever confused about which one is a raw egg or boiled, just give the egg a spin. If it spins round and round evenly, it is hard-boiled. But, if it wobbles while spinning, it’s a raw egg. However, remember, a raw egg can fall and break so be careful.


I hope this article may have taught you, How to Boil Hard-Boiled Eggs?. Now if you want to build up a diet plan or you are just interested in finding how a boiled egg tastes, just wear your chef cap and follow the instructions. And boom your delicious egg is ready to eat.

Frequently Asked Questions

There’s no need to boil the water first when making hard-boiled eggs. Simply place your eggs in a pot of cold water and bring them to a boil. Then, turn off the heat and let the eggs sit in the hot water for 12 minutes. After that, transfer them to a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process.

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