Length and Distance ConversionsWiki How

How Many Hands in a Span?

It’s worth noting that there are no hands in a span. These two distinct units of length have their own specific measurements and applications. A span is a unit of length equal to 9 inches, while a hand measures 4 inches. Therefore, a span is considerably longer than two hands placed end to end.

Conversion Table

  • 1 Span = 9 inches
  • 1 Hand = 4 inches

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the origin of the “hand” as a unit of length?

The hand as a unit of length is believed to have historical roots in the measurement of horses. It represents the width of a human hand, making it useful for measuring the height of horses at the withers.

In what contexts is the “hand” still used today?

The hand is primarily used in equestrian circles for measuring the height of horses. It’s also occasionally used in various fields where an approximate, easy-to-use measurement is required.

Can you convert a span into feet or centimeters for more common measurements?

Yes, a span is equivalent to 9 inches, which is equal to 0.75 feet or approximately 22.86 centimeters. Conversions to more standard units can be useful in broader applications.

Are both the span and hand internationally recognized units of measurement?

Neither the span nor the hand is part of the International System of Units (SI), which is the globally accepted standard system of measurement. They are more informal and traditional units.

Can the span or hand be used for precise measurements?

These units are generally used for rough estimates and quick approximations. For precise measurements, standardized measuring tools are recommended.


In summary, there are no hands in a span. A span is a unit of length equivalent to 9 inches, while a hand is a unit of length equal to 4 inches. The span is significantly longer than two hands placed end to end. These units are not interchangeable and have specific historical and practical contexts in which they are used.

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